The sky is falling down...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Well finally you've seen me a little different!
I know you guys didn't like it! Honestly, i know!
It was to test if your friendship were true!
You guys say you love me as a friend. A very good friend.
Now i want to see if that was really true.
I know a true friend would encourage me not to do all those 'stuff'
Let me ask you something!
Do you love me as a friend by looking at my heart, my attitude or through my actions?
You even spread to people that i'm a good person, yes i am a good person but still it is up to me whether i want to do those stuff or not. Its not like i'm forcing you to do all those stuff. Its my responsibility that you all don't.
You can still talk to me if you want to, then i would know that you guys still are my friends
Or you can not talk to me and this would show you were not really my friends after all.
So yeah, remember this was a test for you all! M J YL!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Its been awhile since i last blogged. Anyways gonna travel to Bali for BIND this coming saturday and i've yet to packed my stuffs. So many things to do! There's still the unfinish poster. Oh yeah, suppose to go to ahmad's house tomorrow but i'm kinda lazy :)

Had PTM today, i got the WORSE results of my life! At least i scored a grade 1 for my POA ;) Hahaha. Mom, nag a bit. I hate the teachers complaining everything about me to mom! Eh FUCK YOU ALL TEACHERS! Especially Mrs Chua _l_ Then off to Macs!
Well i'm gonna pack the things now...

Monday, May 17, 2010


Floorball won silver, Basketball got gold! To hell with soccer-.-
Lol, then we owned this girl from 3A. Muhammad seriously bad taste sia. Tsk.
Mr Teo has a new name! MR TEH-O :D Hehehe.
Anyways, now me and ismail have to treat muza thanks to the freaking bet :O
That's today (Y)

Let me tell you something! I HAVE NO INTENTION OF TRYING TO STEAL YOUR BLOODY ......! Wtf, seriously dude.
Wah, now when i tried to shake hands you just bang into me and walk away! Bloody faggot _l_
What is your fucking problem seriously. Kau dah tahu perangai dier macam gitu ape kau nak buat.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Super Junior new song (:



Talk all you want!